Why setting intentions with this Aquarius new moon might feel hard (even if you love collective care)
If you're feeling like, "I love collective care and healing! Why the eff does this Aquarius new moon feel so hard," followed by self-doubt or shame, I invite you to set that down for a moment. Take a breath, and let's real talk.
❌ Not all new moons have the same energy, feeling or experience
❌ You do not need to be constantly setting new intentions or planning a fresh beginning
❌ How a new moon affects your birth chart will be different than every other person
Let's dig into this a bit more.
💫 A new moon is flavored by the sign it is in and the aspects it is making to transiting planets (as well as the planets in your own birth chart!).
For example, this new moon in Aquarius is co-present with Pluto and Mercury in Aquarius. While they are not in a super tight orb (meaning really close to one another), they are still flavoring the new moon. This new moon is also trine Jupiter. This is beautiful! AND how it shows up in your birth chart might not feel like grand innovative visions of collective care and future personal growth and expansion (like everybody is talking about).
💫 Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to constantly set new moon intentions or manifest to create the life you desire. First off, putting that kind of pressure on yourself is exhausting, and for many of us, not sustainable.
Second, to create the life you desire, all you need is determination, perseverance and sustainable aligned action. You can do this with or without astrology. (Obviously my preference is with! You will never hear me say there is only one way to achieve your goals. That being said, if monthly new moon intentions work for you, great! They're not what I always focus on.)
💫 The only way to specifically know how a new moon is activating your birth chart is to pull up your birth chart with the current transits, and check what houses, planets and points are being activated for you. Topics and themes in your birth chart and life will be activated by the transiting planets and points. The closer together planets and points are in the aspects they are making, the more intensely you will feel a certain energy, feeling or experience.
For me, I’m honoring this new moon and renewal by caring for myself and my mental health. And very often right now, that means playing my drum. This is completely aligned with the new moon astrology and my birth chart and has ZERO to do with settings intentions.
Want to learn more about how understanding your birth chart can help you make decisions that are best for your holistic well being? Email me at hello@wildradiancecollective.com and let’s chat!