The new moon in Scorpio will have you exploring your emotional depths and uncovering truths through discomfort

This new moon in Scorpio has the potential to stir up emotions and communications, and lead to unexpected discoveries. The new moon on Friday, November 1 at 8:46am Eastern Time at 9 degrees Scorpio, finds us all craving a promising fresh start and new beginning. The hangup is that this energetic reset may not feel like a reset until after we have navigated an uncomfortable conversation or experience. 

Let’s look at the intense tango we’ve got going on between the planets during the new moon:

  • Moon is conjunct Mercury

  • Mercury is trine Mars (who is the ruler of this new moon)

  • Moon and Mercury are sextile Pluto

  • Mars is opposite Pluto

This is going to be a time to remember that uncomfortable or challenging conversations and exchanges can be beneficial. In the moment it might be hard, but oftentimes this results in finding the gold and matter at heart. 

You may learn new information about a person, situation or experience, and you may (dare I say) stumble upon some secrets. Whether something is unearthing within yourself and brought to your awareness, or you discover something unexpected at work, within your family or in your relationships, there is going to be emotional intensity backed by heat and power. 

There’s a lot of energy being thrown into the mix with this new moon. There will be a focus to turn inward and listen to your intuition at the same time you are being stimulated to be proactive, take action or even defend yourself or others. It will be important to keep your nervous system regulated and take a level-headed approach to any animosity or challenges that pop up. You can’t control others but you can be in control of yourself and your reactions. 

For example, those inklings you’ve been having about your co-worker or friend might prove to be true. You will be able to get laser focused on what is motivating a person or situation, so if you’ve been looking for clarity, this could reaffirm exactly what your intuition has been telling you–it just may come at the cost of tension and irritation, and then followed by transformation. 

The best way to work with this new moon is to consider what has been coming up for you in the Scorpio, Cancer and Capricorn areas of your birth chart. The topics and themes of these houses have been pulling at one another and teasing things out for you to reflect on and consider since the Sun moved into Scorpio on October 22. 

  • What have you been thinking about? 

  • What types of experiences have you been having? 

  • Where are you questioning yourself, others or situations? 

  • Where in your life is it time to assert yourself?

  • In what ways do you have power? How do you use it or share it?

  • How are these experiences affecting how you care for yourself and others?

This is a new moon that wants you to probe within your heart and mind while making decisions or taking action that will benefit you and others over time. The more comfortable you are at being uncomfortable, the stronger you will become. Pay attention to what is at stake in any situation you find yourself in, stay grounded and lead with your highest self–the self that is concerned for the greater good of all. 


Set yourself up for success during Mars retrograde and beyond


Embrace emotional depth, commitment and breakthroughs this Scorpio season