Embrace emotional depth, commitment and breakthroughs this Scorpio season

As the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, we enter a season of depth, reflection, and emotional intensity. Scorpio, a fixed water sign ruled by Mars, brings us into the undercurrents of life—those unspoken truths and hidden motivations that quietly shape our reality. 

This is the time of year when we're called to look beyond the surface and tune into what lies beneath. There's a deep sense of focus and resilience in Scorpio energy, which enables us to not only understand cycles of life, death, and rebirth but to navigate them with grace.

While Scorpio season invites us to be strategic and reflective, it's also a time to embrace emotional honesty and vulnerability. The Sun in Scorpio is about uncovering truths and understanding the power we hold. This season reminds us to use our energy wisely, investing only in the things and people that are truly worth our time and attention. It’s not a time to be superficial. This is a time for real, lasting transformations.

Venus square Saturn: Commitment & restructuring (October 28)

On October 28, Venus squares Saturn, bringing an energy of effort, responsibility and commitment into your relationships as well as your work, tasks and projects. Saturn wants you to look seriously at how you manage and use your time and energy, especially when it comes to partnerships, relationships and personal connections. 

If you've been avoiding certain obligations or routines, this transit will force you to confront them. You will likely have to complete tasks that are required of you before you can ease into pleasure and enjoyment. Venus square Saturn can feel like a moment where the fun is put on hold while you deal with your duties and responsibilities.

This aspect will help you focus on getting the most important tasks and projects completed and bring attention to what relationships are most valuable (in addition to which ones aren’t!). Saturn is a long-term planner, so if a relationship can’t go the distance, this will help you put less energy into it.

Mercury opposite Uranus: Mental breakthroughs & innovation (October 30)

Two days later, on October 30, Mercury opposes Uranus, shaking up your communication and perspectives. This aspect could feel like a lightning strike activating mental stimulation—you could experience sudden insights, mental shifts, new innovative approaches and breakthroughs. If you've been stuck in a rut or feeling stagnant in your thinking this could bring a welcome reset.

You may be able to find new ways to organize your time, be open to new ideas or even try new ways of communicating. Mercury opposite Uranus encourages you to think outside the box and try new things.

Uranus can bring some disruption so while we love the innovative and authentic vibe of Uranus (I love you BFF Uranus!) we have to keep in mind that there could be some chaos. No big deal, right?

Together, these aspects during Scorpio season invite us to dig deep into our emotional truths, get clear on what matters most in our relationships, to hold ourselves accountable to our responsibilities and embrace innovation whenever possible. This is a time to strategize for the long term, align with your inner power and make necessary shifts to transform your life.

Are you ready?


The new moon in Scorpio will have you exploring your emotional depths and uncovering truths through discomfort


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