Post eclipse check-in: Finding solace amidst chaos and uncertainty

How are you doing out there?

Last week’s solar eclipse in Libra was intense.This entire eclipse season (as it often is) has been intense. But this eclipse season has hit me differently. Harder it seems. In the places of my heart and mind that sting when exposed or pressed on.

The last two weeks a lot of the sadness, fear and frustration I have been feeling is because of how chaotic and frightening our world has become.

I have been seeking moments of safety and solace. In between moments of tears and overwhelm.

The solar eclipse in Libra really (quite literally) brought all these topics home for me:

On the world stage with fear and inequity surrounding elections, the wars, natural disasters, climate change and more—and in my home where life is feeling especially disrupted, surrounded by loss, sadness, and old family history.

While the discomfort is going to continue, I do feel a sense of peace and ease knowing that the astrology and the quality of time it creates is going to be less disruptive after the full moon in Aries on 10/17 and when the Sun enters Scorpio on 10/22.

I’m leaning into the wisdom of my birth chart and the current astrology to persevere and spark my inner strength and hope.

I would love to support you in the same way, so that you can know and understand all of the underlying themes and energy within your birth chart so you can work with the current astrology to practice patience, perseverance and invoke your inner strength.

If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you gain peace and clarity in your life so you can navigate major life decisions and challenging times, email me at and let’s chat!

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3 ways to work with the full moon in Aries for action-oriented results and healing


The solar eclipse in Libra is helping you reflect, release and craft a new chapter in your life