Navigating the new moon in Virgo: A time for focused intentions and practical adjustments


Happy new moon in Virgo! It's time to bring some new energy and focus to the Virgo area of your chart and all things that need to be tweaked, fixed and analyzed. 

The new moon in Virgo is happening at 9:55 pm Eastern Time on September 2 at 11 degrees Virgo. We do have some planets influencing this new moon. What you're going to find with this new moon is that you have the energy, ambition and interest in getting tasks, projects and spaces organized, having a process in order and having your systems detailed and working on anything that you need to get done to make those system upgrades happen while experiencing some setbacks and frustrations.

With the Moon opposite Saturn, Saturn is imposing limits or boundaries on you saying, “hey that's too much you can't do all that,” and it could be a little bit of a reality check. You may also have a feeling like those boundaries really bum you out because you really want to get this thing done in your particular way. You may find that you're doing a little bit of a course correct because it's just not going to pan out the way you’d like. 

We also see this because the Moon is square Jupiter (it's not a really tight orb, the Moon is at 11 degrees Virgo and Jupiter is at 19 degrees Gemini, however in traditional astrology the Moon is given a larger orb for aspects). 

So with the Moon square Jupiter, AND Jupiter at 19 degrees Gemini square Saturn at 16 degrees Pisces, this feels very remnant of the disruptions, frustrations and unexpected events or situations we’ve been experiencing the last few weeks. We’re not really out of the woods with these themes yet.

While the Moon in Virgo wants things to be a certain way, with Saturn and Jupiter both in mutable signs we’re going to have to be flexible and adaptable to the limits we may be experiencing. 

This isn't necessarily a new moon that makes me feel like ohh sure go at it with all you've got because it's not going to go how you want it to. I actually see some resistance here and some challenges so I would say that this is definitely a great new moon to cut out what's not necessary. Get really clear on how to fix any tiny little problems that you're having. There’s going to be a lot of friction. This new moon is going to be best for cleaning up and clearing out what you can for longer term goals.

We've got a lot of things that we're letting go of right now. Last week Venus moved into Libra where they are now conjunct the South Node, and Venus made that immediate trine to Pluto. Read that post here.

We're also still coming out of all the frustration, irritation, setbacks and disruptions of the series of aspects with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and then our full moon in Aquarius.. there's been a lot coming up! 

I actually would invite you to just get really clear on just a few things that you'd like to tackle to improve in your life and understand where your limits are with them.

I also do just want to note that during this new moon Mars is at 28 degrees Gemini square Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces, so our dreams and our ideas of how we want something to be are continuing to be surrounded by this energy of us wanting to take action on something and it not happening. There is passion during this new moon and a desire to make things happen but we are going to experience setbacks. 

Every time I have looked at this new moon’s astrological chart I have hoped to find a new or different undercurrent… but ultimately, the undercurrent has remained the same. We need to get clear and focused, cut away what we can and don’t expect immediate results or impact for our intentions. Just make what you can simpler and enjoy that breath of fresh air. 

What types of tasks, projects or goals are you working on in your life right now that you're feeling like you just can't get ahead of? Keep at it because we're playing a long term game here. This is something that you're going to return to over the next several years so don't feel like you have to have it all figured out all at once or that needs to be perfect.


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